Thank you, Half banana,
You raise an issue I have not, and that is the dates of the writings, such as Daniel. It was written in 164 BCE to and for those people at that time.
The Book of Daniel was a product of the apocalyptic eschatology that arose during the Second Temple Period with writings such as Enoch, Jubilees, and so on, as well as the rise of the Dead Sea community. Most Christian beliefs come from this period, rather than from the Hebrew Scriptures (OT), such as Satan and a war in heaven,
Another interest is the date and purpose of Chronicles. That was composed in the 4th century because the writers did not agree with or accept the religious political views of Kings. That record, in turn was composed as part of the Deuteronomistic History.
Another matter is how the ancients thought about the meaning of numbers such as 70. The term is gematria.
Also, how they thought about recording history. They were not journalists. They recorded past events to give meaning to their present.
Finally, their texts experienced fluidity as it was being rewritten on fresh scrolls. No one knows what was originally written.